7th and sth Plugins for Adobe CC and Nuke

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7th and sth Plugins for Adobe CC and Nuke

7thSense Design has plugins for the popular design and compositing suites, Adobe® After Effects and Media Encoder, and Nuke® from The Foundry, that convert movie media into the optimised .7th file format, which then also allows for encryption using the 7thSense Content Protection System application.


This new 2021 plugin for Adobe Media Encoder.uses the Adobe MediaCore API that can be used in After Effects or Premiere Pro, or directly in Adobe Media Encoder. Available for Windows and macOS, it includes reading and writing between .7th files and any other format, so can be used very flexibly.


Plugin v.2.0 for Nuke Reader and Writer, with revised interface and increased read/write format range.


The original plugin for After Effects did not offer reading, only writing.
After Effects can also batch export to 32-bit TGA, which can be converted to .7th format using the 7thSense DFM application.


Original v.1 Plugin for Nuke. .7th format 4:2:2 files are saved as the equivalent .sth extension.

Download links are provided in these pages. For further help on media plugins, please contact support@7thSense.one.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 21/03/2023